This week was a good one! We have been trying to find more people to teach because we need more people to teach! We have been teaching Jordan and her friend Steph the new member lessons. Steph was uber poached from us from Kamas which is about a 2 hour drive away. So those missionaries suck. But I love Steph she's so cute and totally on fire! She's going to serve a mission! And I love her so much! Her family is really anti and she didn't tell them she got baptized until after. We had her come to a lesson with Juan this week and Juan decided not to tell his family until after too. He said he's going to wait until after to tell his mom so he can at least make it to the celestial kingdom when she kills him. Also Juan moved his date back to May. But we're going to conference with him and MY FAVORITE SESSION! Saturday Afternoon!
I love that session because we get to be in the same room as the prophet and sustain him! It's a really cool experience! It's weird to think last conference was 6 months ago. I went with Sister Stratton and I miss her a lot but it's ok! It's also weird to think I only have one more conference on my mission. That's sad. Buuuuuuut so we had a new member lesson with Jordan and Steph this week and we had them teach us about the Gospel of Jesus Chirst and it was the funniest lesson I have ever witnessed. But also it amazed me how much they really knew. I love YSA because they really get it! A lot of the time I taught children they would forget but with YSA they retain all of this information and add it to their lives! I love them! Steph said I'm coming with her when she goes through the temple and it made me so happy!
Another crazy thing is. I hit my 8 month mark this past week. It's crazy to think of how fast this has all gone but how I also can't remember what it's like to not be a missionary. But to think I'm almost half way and everyone always says "it's like climbing a mountain the first half is hard and you are trying to keep going and it gets harder the closer you get to the top but once you start going down it goes so much faster" and than I have this picture of me falling down a mountain in my head every time! It reminds me of that like 5 hour hike my friends Joseph and Jean-Luc took me on that one time that took us like 4 1/5 hours to get up and a half hour to get down. So I have tiny freak outs sometimes but than I make fun of sister Richins because she is already at her 9 month haha!
So funny story time! We were tracting this past week and this guy opens the door right and I say "hello I'm sister O'Connor" and he says "oh you're Mormons" not sassy but not excited so I said "yeah are you?" Because it's Utah you gotta ask and he said "no I'm s polygamist so they won't let me but I'm always looking for new wives" and I said "no thank you" and he shuts the door. Sister Richins couldn't tell if he was serious or not but he lived in an apartment and you can't keep more than one wife in those things so I think he was just trying to get us to go away.
Also it's snowing right now and I want to die I hate the snow.
Ok but cool spiritual things now! So this past weekend out stake put on a walk with Christ event. Each ward put on a little presentation about different parts of Christ's life and it was really cool! I cried it's ok! It ended with CHRIST LIVING AGAIN! I love him so much! It was really cool but sister Richins and I were in the end part answering people's questions and talking to people. All weekend. I was confined to a church gym. Could you guys imagine that? Me in one area for that long. I about died. But its ok I made it! Also yesterday was Easter! I think it's such an underrated holiday if you think about what it really is! CHRIST ROSE FROM THE GRAVE SO WE COULD ALL BE RESURRECTED!
I just think how cool it is when compared to the Christmas one because the Christmas one is children talking about the birth of Christ and how innocent that is and the Easter one talks about finding new life in Christ and it's adults who most of the time need to find new life! It's really cool go watch it!
Pictures me wearing the costumes from the walk with Christ thing and Steph and Jordan teaching us!
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